Permanent Consulting Engineers is the main and most experienced consultant in Denmark in the field of structural calculations in countries with high seismic motions such a USA, middle east and Japan. In case that your company should build a building, supportive structure or even a huge equipment such as a boiler in the high seismic areas in the world, please contact us for a complete safe and economical design which remains permanently.
Seismic design is subjected to earthquake ground motions, and it is an essential part of structural analysis in countries with high seismic motions such a USA, middle east, and Japan.
Therefore, there is a procedure intended for planning new or retrofitted structures or systems exposed to earthquake exposure.
There are many factors that must be considered in earthquake-resistant building designs. Here are some important factors which influence structural integrity:
– sufficient vertical and lateral stiffness and strength.
– Equal mass- and strength distributing throughout the structure.
– Regularity in building as much as possible.
– Foundations must be stronger, deeper and with more reinforcement. For example, in locations with high risk for violent earthquakes, deep connected foundations and driven piles is a solution.
– Interconnection of structural and non-structural components in a building to remove inertial forces.
– Using diaphragms, shear walls, braced frames, moment-resistant frames, dampers.
There are many building codes and governmental standards, which should be considered in construction design for seismic hazard mitigation:
– Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
– National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP)
– International Code Council (ICC)
– Standards of Seismic Safety for Existing Federally Owned and Leased Buildings
In case that your company should build a building, supportive structure or even a huge equipment such as a boiler in the high seismic areas in the world, please contact us for a complete safe and economical design which remains permanently.